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Matzoh House with Flowers

At the last Seder I shared with my Mom, her friend made this house out of matzoh and flowers, a creation I thought worth sharing. Each year as the spring holidays emerge, I find it remarkable that the pulse of…

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Love and Long Runs

Today I remember my parent's wedding anniversary. We got to celebrate their 50th 3 years before my Dad passed. What a joy it was to be in their presence then, surrounded by their many loved ones. And for me, another…

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“Work is love made visible”

Having persisted in assembling a desk chair with sheer will and determination and yes for me, even fearlessness, I am inspired to share some Gibran prose on work. As I reflect on it, I realize that I was largely influenced…

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Accelerating quantum leap healing

Humanity is experiencing aspects of an extinction event these days. Shamans understand that interacting with Spirit in any form of sacred ceremony enables us to access realms capable of promoting greater health and well being specifically with regard to improved…

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A Mystic Treasure

Lisa Saunders is one of those treasures that has unfortunately left the Connecticut shoreline, but in her wake, has left so many with rich memories and experiences. Having moved on to be closer to family, she will be missed but…

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Sweetest Heart ~ the woman and her song

My mother was simply the sweetest heart. I wrote the song for her when she turned 60, 24 years ago today, and I am forever grateful for knowing there is a heart capable of that much sweetness and openheartedness. Please…

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Joy – A Poem

joy can be elusive hiding behind a forest or thoughts, or mindsets encrusted with the familiar it peeks through like sunlight through tree limbs, leaves, crackling branches on a windy day downpours can drown out its expression yet it is…

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Celebrating the arrival ….

Somewhat akin to giving birth in the sense that the effort and pain and struggle that is involved in bringing forth new life, the baby crowned yesterday.  I received the first shipment of 20 copies of "Each Moment We're Alive".…

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Good Morning August

Good morning August - sweet sweet month that I am partial to because it reminds me I’m getting a year older and there is no time like the present to grab life, embrace it all.  My first blog on the…

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