Remembering my sweet magical moment with Wayne Dyer
Feeling grief over the loss of such a beautiful man, I found the one picture someone took of my sweet moment with him. How fortunate I was to have been in Ft. Lauderdale on the eve of Wayne’s 75th birthday, with hundreds of others soaking in Wayne’s charismatic wisdom. Pictured here, he’s seated with Hay House publisher Tracy Reid, moments after I told him of the “Each Moment We’re Alive” story and of my desire to publish a substantial tribute to cancer survivors. He loved the title and in his inimitable way suggested I sing it right there on the spot. He said there were a lot of people in the room that were cancer survivors, including himself. I was a little starstruck at the time, having loved and listened to Wayne for close to 40 years, and I remember feeling grateful that I had been practicing the song preparing for upcoming Relay for Life performances. So I took the microphone and sang my heart out. His tears of appreciation touched me in a profound way. His inspirational talk that day had focused on being true to ourselves, and how we must at all cost, not die with the music still in us. He is one who has unequivocably left the earth with the music of his sweet soul passed on through countless sparks of inspiration. Those who have been graced to know him, can attest to his having raised the vibration of their hearts, and of the planet itself. By offering his words and name on the book, I always felt I had received a gift of wings that was intended to help bring my music out into the world before it is my turn to leave the earth. I am so deeply grateful for having had the moment to share what Monica and I created. For having had the opportunity to touch the gorgeous heart of a man who has reached me in a way that has become part of my purpose and service in life. I share my blessed moment with Wayne with all who read this, with love, hoping it will inspire others to learn of the bountiful wisdom in his beloved writings ….
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