Springtime and some good eggs
So many projects incubating this season, like orbs of creativity … I took this photograph at White Gate Farm in East Lyme when I was there for a weekend to study Proprioceptive Writing. What a treat to be eating food from a farm known for its nutrient dense soil and a chef who creates such creatively sumptuous meals. And I loved the writing process. A weekend with women with various degrees of experience with this type of writing. Similar enough to journaling for me to relish its flow of consciousness but with a twist that is the interjection of a proprioceptive question. It steers the flow into a self inquiry deepening, clarifying, and when lucky, enlightening something I might have passed over. A proprioceptive process is defined as communication system of stimuli within an organism, and when extrapolated to writing it refers to talking to ones self. I was really jazzed about it, and in fact have started to incorporate it into my writing. I think it will help me mine the riches of what lies beneath all those luscious words that come forth…. Happy Spring and may you discover your own delightful orbs of creativity!
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