Meet Serenity
Lately there is much to share about my inner world, as well as how the outer world is erupting in ways that I often describe as surreal. Through it all, I have been fortunate to be able to gaze lovingly and often at Serenity, the figure atop the old tree that had to be taken down when the spreading beech leaf disease threatened my home.
I share this photo in hopes that the peace I feel emanating from it can be transmitted in some way. The feeling of the deep sturdy roots, supporting her repose of utter surrender, stillness, acceptance. For no matter what transpires in our world from illness, grief, horrors, injustice, fear; to the realms of joy and love, she models the most auspicious default a human being can lean into.
So as I gaze at her I am gladdened, strengthened, grateful to be in a place where I can appreciate her and her steady presence. For she mirrors the state I long to sustain as much as possible, and that which I long to share with others on this journey into the new year.
Addressing some publishing issues, I look forward to welcoming this, my 70th year, with my second book. This past year, I have manifested a life partner, and I look forward to experiencing how that will continue to reshape how things evolve, as new possibilities emerge.
I offer love and light and blessings to withstand the 2nd quarter of a century ahead of us, full of so many unknowns, that I find it helpful to remember the one thing I do know. Serenity is my friend and the companion I seek above all others. With her anything is possible.
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