A Song for Serene, my daughter’s service dog
My newest song celebrates this beautiful new relationship that has brought so much love and support into my daughter’s life. It was originally written to express what’s difficult to communicate, something I was inspired to capture while addressing her dog directly. This photo is of her listening to her song for the first time.
Often as willful as her Mom, I didn’t understand my daughter’s motivation at first to get a service dog, but there was no stopping her once she made up her mind that was what she needed. She then found the Animal Farm Foundation, a remarkable organization whose mission is to bring dogs and people together to end all kinds of discrimination. I learned that they are passionate about addressing and advocating for ending breeding restrictions, and addressing societal issues that undermine inclusivity.
Besides, a granddog with a name like Serene, deserves a song just for her, don’t you think?
Beautiful song expressing the joy a mother feels when she sees her child happy in a new relationship. Your heart and soul shines through.