When a force of nature dies
I ache in grief to hear the news
and after the tears subside I ask myself
where does a force of nature go
when the door opens to let it pass through
he was a father to me and to so so many
he had a protectiveness that was in his bones
textured with softness
a combination that was the thing that made him a true force of nature
because nature can be that way
virulent like a virus
and soft like a winter’s breeze in stillness
Oh how he commanded attention and truly knew power
the only power in the universe worth noting
that of Love
Love of everything ….
God, family, life, benevolence, anything good
So I wonder at how he will fill our hearts in this new way
now that he’s gone
instead of the way he filled the room or filled you up when he spoke your name
and gave you that grinful smile
or hugged you close and tight
like he really meant it.
Once some of the grief washes away most of the gripping pain
will there be a palette of healing to be painted upon
will it join forces with other acts of God
like hurricanes and tornadoes?
Or will he cojoin in starlight or moonlight, I wonder
I must remember to look more carefully now
I don’t know, I just have to ask
and share with a heart cracked open
too many times, if you ask me, from the loss of truly great loves
shared in knowing that there is plenty of tissue left
of this most tender of organs
to hold a space
large enough for his memory
for his legacy of lionhearted sweetness
his enormity of being
for all that cannot be contained
but longs to have a home
in the words that just must be written
in his behalf
in honor of the purest of men
I might ever come to know
and surely I have ever known
Rest in peace, dearest Tut
you will always be a King
the Royal Highness of Souls
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