JOY HEALS ~ celebrating a non-turkey day with a new mantra
This post is about celebrating, not focused on eating birds. Most people I know do, and I love the many carnivores in my life. Instead I reflect on gratitude and how the fruits of that experience are far more fulfilling than I imagine eating turkey alone could ever be. These angel cards capture the tools I have been sharpening, and not necessarily in that order. By embracing truth and gratitude, I can continue to carry the courage needed to find joy in a world so often bereft. There are many today whose hearts cannot fully engage in our nation’s celebration, trying to recover from any number of man/woman-made and natural disasters of late. I won’t dwell on the floods, wildfires and shootings, but many do need to be cared about on this day as fully as those we may break bread with. I watch in awe as black Friday becomes grey Thursday and so on …. and I marvel at how we go on and make our lives work within traditions that continue to modify to fit the mores of an elastic society. In this ever maddening sea of humanity, the nugget of truth I see, despite all the insanity, is still joy, our birthright; and gratitude our greatest means to that end. I wish for the courage to bring love and compassion and joy to all we know, and healing for those who need it … with all the traditions that have made their way through the decades, Thanksgiving is for gratitude, and may this reminder be taken in the best possible spirit …..
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