Dreams that you dare to dream really do come true …
Have you ever noticed how much the shape of a baby grand can be likened to a heart, in how it opens for the breath of sound, the slightly off roundness of it …. well here I am sitting behind one of the oldest dreams from my deepest heart of hearts.
After living with a satin ebony upright for about 37 years, through 4 moves between New York and Connecticut, I felt the time was right to trade it in for a change. Thanks to my friend Jeff Fuller, the quintessential musical resource, he introduced me to Brent Evans, the quintessential piano guy! I visited his gloriously growing studio in Madison, and as a vaguely remembered afterthought I asked if he ever got any white pianos. To which he replied that yes in fact he had one, they were rare indeed, seeing one per decade on average, but he just happened to have one that recently came across his ‘desk.’ He said it was in great condition, that it had had only one owner. I arranged to see it when it was shipped from his other studio, and walked in for some reason expecting to see an off white faded wood finish and in fact I received a surprise of a gleaming polished white one which I realized immediately was the one that has been showing up in my dreams for so many years I had almost forgotten about it.
I reflect this morning on all I have done in aiming to stay true to my heart and to support and be in service to what I perceive is the path of all things good and divinely inspired. I am about to step into the light and heart filled path of growing toward what I have always loved and envisioned for myself. The inspiration to play more fluently and as a more aligned expression of my heart is palpable and very much alive, and today I share my gift with openness and passion. My new heart will soon be delivered to that place over the rainbow where dreams really do come true ….
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