The Nature of Choice
The nature of choice
Brings up questions of free will, destiny
How it is one comes to a point of
Making a choice
Some falter at crossroads
Others relish the unknown paths ahead
Always momentum takes hold
And shifts in motion, direction occur
Seeming to be
The crux of the nature of life
These infinitesimal specks
Multitude of moments
Of time turned to choices
Into puddles of reality
That evaporate in time
For the next sequence
Stretches of plotted time
On a spectrum marked
By events and dates
Flowing from choices and the hands of God
After a particularly unconscious choice
The bitter aftertaste lingers
Accumulation eventually recedes unconsciousness
Sometimes too late though
For all intents and purposes
An effective quality of life
Some we meet offer no choice
But connection
Truly beyond our own doing
Acting on our own behalf
To be left in the wake of the cosmic sea
Sinking, swimming, diving, flowing,
Directionless for a while
Until veils lift
Revealing horizons of choices
Along the way
A search to separate them from the strain of a life
Worth leading
Great effort to soften the blow of their hovering needs
Their hint of impact
It has begun and as yet
With only a conceivable end in sight
The heart, in all its nobility,
Brings forth messages
Often draped in confusion, fear, pain
Leaving one choiceless
In a state of knowing
Once the tangled webs are removed
Sticky with the sweat of dread
The agony of heartlessness
Impeding spirit flights of fancy
Too often roadblocked by doubt, hesitation
When two choose to
Or are chosen to be in love
After some time together
One finds need of a map
Where to go at the turn
When the dust comes off the older values
Things previously embraced, firmly implanted
Following a familiar sound
Calling, reaching for a new turn in the road
When one’s own choices
Or lack thereof
Are reflected in the eyes of a beloved
Unable or
Unwilling to unconditionally love
The very choices that once endeared them
The process of subtle judgment
Harmless, yet biting
In the realm of choice in freedom
Leaves one feeling either more or less free
New choices wash over the rough edges
Sandpaper on a wooden block of time
The foundation of a life in progress
Reaching for the texture of a substance of smoothness
Grabbing what lies ahead
In full view
Dare I speak of victimization
Question its reality
Blasphemous, I ponder
The fate of the poor souls
Learning horrific lessons beyond reach of reason
The edge of the human condition
Infliction, horror
One hardly chooses to bear
Terrible enough to bear in thought alone
Once it was spoken to me
That on a level beyond vision
Victims choose their fate
I say
A question best saved for some future sage
Whom I suspect will settle
The fact of our conception and our death
Explain our coping diseases
Understand our forays into madness
I engage with the wonder
Of creation by choice
Manifesting joy, treasures
Testing limits of palettes of thought
Mixing colors of desire with shades of need
Painting pictures of being
Of hope
Of choices to live
In ways of dreams
Stories embellished by magic
For the highest good
Of those who choose to listen
By Debra L. Alt © August 2001
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