Just Not the Same ….
… A New Day, A New Norm ~ A New Year, New Work to bring out to the world … Cindy Sheridan Murphy and I have created an Interactive Workshop for Cancer Survivors and their Loved Ones with live music. I am honored to be working with Cindy and 2016 will bring lots of people to be inspired empowered and enlivened by our blend of passion and purpose.
I will contribute music and speak a little about mindfulness, conscious breathing practice, and the value of reflective journaling. I have grown to appreciate the enormous value of finding ways of incorporating aspects of these disciplines into our lives in practical ways and I can’t wait to experience sharing in a meaningful way.
There is so much I can say about these pillars of well being, but for now I want to bid adieu to 2015 and welcome the new year with enthusiasm, hope and the intention of doing what I can to shed more love and light in the corners that call, and there sure are many. May we all hear our own calls to how to best live our lives fully and in the ways that bring out our unique gifts and that which bring us the most joy, which I believe deeply will help keep us healthy.
So wishing all of you a happy and healthy new year. With love and light ….
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