now what … ?
At this moment I am struggling to climb out of this stunned state. Writing, art, music, has always been my salvation and I believe a huge part of the salvation of humanity. When I took this photo it was a night infused with hope I shared with others gathered for healing and transformation. I know many may not be able to find that now, so I write in hopes that I can etch out a plan to get back there. I don’t need to add to all the reasons we have to feel despair and fear, that is being globally scribed and played out on a world stage of journalists. The challenge is reaching for the other side and the places to find hope. Maybe it would help to remember that in the spectrum of human existence this is a blip of time unfolding. The degree to which we can impact how it does unfold is where we need to look. This won’t be easy. I call forth the courageous hearts of those who believe in the goodness of man and womankind and struggle as I do this morning to find their way back to hope. This is an inner journey that many may not see or be able to articulate, but it must be scoped out as soon as possible. At times of despair I go to Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning to remember that even the inexplicably darkest nights eventually lead to light. How did Frankl not lose his will to live given what he was forced to withstand, and in fact emerge as a healing force? Therein lies the clues to moving forward, that place, that crack where the light comes in. And the love. We cannot forget to love each other the best we can and rebuild as if we have just lost an ancient battle, because in so many ways we have. To counter the flourish of forces of hate and bigotry, we must dig deeper as the Viktor Frankl’s, Martin Luther King Jr’s, Barack Obamas of the world have. Stand back and watch how people react to this devastating election result. Pay attention to those who are hanging on to their life raft and are already looking for shores of redemption. Join with them and keep cultivating your art forms, your work of meaning, your love of family, nature, whatever helps you be glad for life. That is the beginning of the road to find the balance of humanity’s love and fear. Fear may appear to triumph, but let’s do our best to not let it win. Based on last night’s election results, giving up is in essence, shortsighted. Calling all artists visionaries and lovers, we need you now more than ever …
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